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How does it work?


You contact me via the contact form or directly via e-mail with your request. Together we will find an appointment for an introductory meeting


Initial consultation

In the 30-minute free initial consultation we will get to know each other and see if I can help you with your request


Framework & Contract

In order to start treatment, I will send you first questionnaires and the contract via mail



Our discussions take place online via video call, telephone or e-mail, tailored to you and your needs

Frequently asked questions

Does online counseling and therapy work?

Nowdays there are plenty of studies showing that online counseling and therapy works just as well as on-site treatment. I would be happy to send you relevant literature if you are interested.

In order to prepare yourself well for the session, it is advisable to go to a quiet, undisturbed place 10-20 minutes beforehand, put your cell phone on silent or put it aside and prepare yourself mentally for the session. Maybe you want to write down important topics that you want to discuss or do a breathing exercise.


Will my health insurance cover the costs?

Most private health insurance companies and supplementary insurance companies cover the costs of psychotherapeutic treatment by non-medical practitioners. Under certain conditions, the costs can also be covered by the statutory health insurance companies via the cost reimbursement procedure. It is best to contact your health insurance company directly.


A big advantage of self-paid services is that neither health insurance, employer or any other third party learns about the treatment. This could be relevant if you want to become a civil servant or you want to apply for disability insurance.


The cost of psychological counseling is usually not covered by health insurance companies. Under certain circumstances, however, it is possible to claim the costs as an extraordinary burden in the tax return.


Are there any discounts?

As I also want to enable students, trainees, low earners and currently unemployed people access to psychological advice and help, there will always be the possibility to join sessions at reduced rates after appropriate proof.


Do you still have unanswered questions? No problem! Contact me via e-mail.

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